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Case Study #1
Mixed use value added situation in Hinsdale, Illinois

Partner in purchasing and adding value to a mixed use retail and residential property.  The property had negative cash flow at time of purchase.

Determined the highest and best use was to re-lease the retail letting existing leases expire and bringing a new, better class of tenant.  Determined retail rent was substantially below market and had first mover advantage in sub-market creating escalation in rents.  Re-leased retail rent to a combination of well capitalized local tenants and national tenants.  Determined best retail mix.  Converted multi-family rental units to office rental units, increased rentable area by converting previously un-used but very appealing space,  upgraded power grid, lowered HVAC costs and upgraded curb appeal.

Sold asset and increased value of property by 32% within 3 years.

Key Capabilities:

......- Ability to recognize and recommend over-looked undervalued asset
......- Ability to re-tenant property with higher rents and better credit quality

......- Ability to identify tenants that resulted in a better retail mix complimenting each other
........and thereby increasing sales.
......- Ability to recognize and convert upper floor tenants to a higher and best use by changing
........the space from a residential rental basis to a office use basis where demand was substantially stronger.

Ability to work with a strict and difficult local government and complete understanding of construction